Saturday, August 16, 2008

I need to catch up

I haven't posted forever, but I have a bunch of fun things to post, I just have had no time and so the result is this sad post until I get my butt in gear and post whats been going on, once again refer to my playlist for some awesome music enjoyment while I get it together!! Thanks for checkin out my ever cool blog!!!


Melisa said...

Um.......yea........gonna need an update soon:)

Jen said...

Jamie, I hope you don't mind. I saw your comment and followed the link, and found you. Your family is so adorable. Noah is so cute. I loved seeing the pictures of your dad! Brings back fond memories. I love your parents, and remember your dad making fun pancakes whenever I'd sleep over, or putting up with us in Sunday school. Anyway, random, but I love seeing this, and hope you don't mind me checking in every now and then.

Suzy said...

Yay, a new post! Who cares if it's lame. jk. So you're gonna have to check out my blog. I think you're gonna like it!